Lex Technicae


Trial bundles are used in courts of first instance, at both the subordinate and superior courts.

They contain documents that litigants wish to produce or tender to court as evidence, or items that a court may direct litigants to produce.

Trials can be volatile. Disputes as to classification and production easily jam the preparation of bundles. The contents of document bundles can also change after they are finalized, or during and even at the end of trial.

The rates for trial bundles are custom.

Stay classy.

Trial bundles are designed to comply with O. 34 of the Rules of Court 2012. The order and volumes of documents rely heavily on document classifications, especially in contentious matters.

  • You/your representative solicitor must inform us in a timely manner of any changes to the classification/order of documents.
  • Trial judges may sometimes provide specific directions, or even waive strict compliance for convenience and expediency. Let us know, and we will try to comply.
  • We can compile a case-based status listing of all available documents across entire records upon request.

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